Digestive Wellness in Autistic Children: Special Diets and Food Replacements

An Access to Health Experts interview with special guest Julie Matthews, author of Nourishing Hope.  Here she explains how to deal with picky eaters without creating distrust. Julie also discusses the connection between digestive problems in Autistic children. She gives examples of food replacements for children who are on special diets that avoid dairy and soy, about the benefits of cultured foods, and supplements that are useful in maintaining digestive wellness in Autistic children.

Access to Health Experts is not only an interview series, it's also a membership website featuring user forums, special reports, monthly teleseminars, and much more. Visit www.accesstohealthexperts.com for more information.

Direct download: 4_JulieMatthews_LizLipski_Autism.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:55pm EDT


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