Cherry Bake Recipe: A Traditional Comfort Food Gets a Healthy New Make-Over

An Access to Health Experts interview with special guest Rebecca Katz author of "One Bite At A Time". In this interview Rebecca gives us the new, healthier recipe for the delicious dessert Cherry Bake. She also discusses the importance that every ingredient plays in bringing out the natural flavor of the dish.

Access to Health Experts is not only an interview series, it's also a membership website featuring user forums, special reports, monthly teleseminars, and much more. Visit for more information.

Direct download: RecipeRealityMakeOver_LizLipski_RebeccaKatz_11-08_Part1.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:48am EDT

Toxins, Oh My! The Basics of Toxins and How Different Toxins Affect Different People

An Access to Health Experts interview with special guest Dr. John Cline author of "Detoxify for Life". In this interview John discusses how toxins have been in our lives for centuries but the increased exposure has only happened recently. He also explains how toxins can affect different people differently and the clasifications of toxins in our society.

Access to Health Experts is not only an interview series, it's also a membership website featuring user forums, special reports, monthly teleseminars, and much more. Visit for more information.

Direct download: EnivironmentalDetoxification_LizLipski_JohnCline_12-08_Part1.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:36am EDT


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